Cloth Doll Patterns Free

Cloth Doll Patterns Free

Cloth Doll Patterns Free

* Skill Level: Beginner.
* Cloth Doll is 11″ tall. (30cm).
Doll textile pattern: doll body,
clothing (Dress, Panties, Bonnet).
Tools Materials
Light beige fabric needed for the body;
Color to paint on the fabric (face only);
Hot glue;
Curly Doll Hair;
Cotton fabric;
Mechanical Pencil;
Ruler or tape measure;
Sewing Machine.
Free rag doll pattern to print and download.

Pattern is on a full size

The seam allowance for the Cloth Dolls
has already been put on the pattern,
(6mm. 1/4 inch.)
I will also invite you to join a friendly
and supportive Facebook group:

Time needed: about 10 hours

This rag doll can be a great gift for
your favorite people: is ideal for home
decoration, children room, bedroom.
A great gift for a girl and an adult
woman. Doll for collectibles.”

Mini Soft Rag Doll Pattern


Mini Soft Rag Doll Pattern


Cut all pieces on double folded fabric,
unless otherwise directed.
Body: cut 2;
Head: cut 2;
Arm: two pairs;
Legs: two pair.
I sew seams before cutting out the body
Arm : sew along the outline leaving open
only the small section indicated on pattern.
Make legs using arms procedure.
Sew arms and legs to the body front side,
(position is shown on pattern) and fold
them within it.
Place body back side on top and sew from
point A to point B including arms and legs.
Turn body right side out and stuff.
Straight stitch body bottom closed.
Sew all opened parts in the legs and in
the arms.
I painted my doll face with proper fabric
colors. First I drew facial features with
air soluble pen then I painted face .

The Hair

I used “Blonde doll hair”. Stick hair
with hot glue.

Rag Doll Sewing Pattern

Fold the dress fabric with right
sides together. Pin the fabric
together and trace the dress
template on the wrong side of
the fabric.
Dress Bodice Front: Cut 1 on fold.
Dress Bodice Back: Cut 2
Sleeves: Cut 2 on fold.
Skirt: Cut a rectangle of fabric of
23″x 3″ inch. (60 X 21 cm).
Press to the wrong side at the lower
edge of each sleeve.
Topstitch a edge, leaving a little
opening in the stitching.
Sew and overlock the sides, and make
an elastic casing.
Use a safety pin to guide the elastic
through the casing. Make sure that the
elastic is not twisted. Overlap the ends.
Zig zag stitch over the elastic ( width
of the sleeve to the doll wrist) where
it overlaps. With right sides facing,
sew each underarm seam and side seam.

Hem neck and add lace

Cut a rectangle of 60X21cm for the skirt
and hem the bottom. To close the bodice
back, cut two piece of Velcro and apply
it to either side. Sew centre back of
the skirt.


Place pattern pieces on the fabric
placed right sides together.
Cut twice the panties outline. Sew
center front and join sides .
Sew a hem with a passing elastic on
waist. Then introduce the elastic.
Hem bottom legs and lace .
With right sides together, sew the
inner parts of the legs.

Scarecrow Rag Doll and Clothing



Place pattern pieces on the
fabric placed right sides together.
Bonnet back – Cut 1
Bonnet front – Cut 2
Pin both bonnet front pieces together
with right sides together and sew from
point A to point B.
Pin both bonnet front pieces together
with right sides together and sew from
point A to point B.

Rag doll sewing pattern – Gorjuss Inspired


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Rossella Usai
Calci (PISA) – ITALY


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Calci – Pisa – Italy

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